Who made dis?
This website is editable by anyone under our department. It’s a place where anyone and everyone in the program can have a place to showcase their work. It’s an open playground, but obviously members are expected to abide by the community rules laid out in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities ;-p

Where can I find y’all? I can’t find the building. 🙁
Lol maybe you accidentally walked towards the spanking-new neighborhood of arts and transit down south, but we’re actually all the way up in the old building:

I’m an underclassman and I want to be VIS. How?
Talk to Martha (marthaf@princeton.edu) about your plans towards becoming a certificate student or a major.

Whaa, visual arts is a major??????
Yes. It’s called Practice of Art under the Art and Archaeology department.

Do dreams really come true?

I have a crush on someone from the VIS department. Do y’all have mailboxes that I can put my love letter in?
Yes, you can find them across the water fountain closest to the James Stewart Theater.
